If you are interested in setting up private sessions or small group classes please contact me to schedule.
Sessions centered around your choice of:
- yoga for beginners
- deepening your physical practice (asana)
- refining your alignment and working with injury
- crafting a home practice
- study of mantra and meditation
- breath work and pranayama
- restorative yoga
- yin yoga
- adaptable yoga for wellness
- deep dive in to theory, text and philosophy
- Just Yoga: Signature Campbell Yoga Offering
private session: $90 for up to 90 minutes
semi-private (2-3 people): $125 for up to 90 minutes
Small group (4-10 people…special request if over 10): $200 for up to 90 minutes
will travel to meet you up to 20 minutes at this rate. Additional cost for travel longer than 20 minutes each way.