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40 days practice
September 27, 2021 - November 6, 2021

40 days of Vinyasa Krama
September 27- November 6, 2021!
Nourish your sadhana, establish consistency and invigorate your living relationship to yoga through this 40 day practice experience. All classes will be Vinyasa Krama in the tradition of Krishnamacharya as taught by my teacher Srivatsa Ramaswami (including vinyasa, asana, pranayama and dharana)
As Patanjali states in the Yoga Sutra 1.14: Practice becomes established when it is pursued with ENTHUSIASM over a long and consistent period of time. This is not some ordinary obligation but a glorious gift to be tended and well cared for- 40 days is a stable foundation from which to shift patterns towards your aim!
What to expect:
- daily 60-75 minute practice in the vinyasa krama tradition. (including pranayama and meditation)
- daily passages and translations of key passages from key texts for self study and consideration in your inbox
- Access to a community of compassionate and vibrant practitioners
- Guidance of a committed teacher/ “forever student”
- Access to all listed class spots
Class schedule (choose one each day)
- Monday through Friday 7:30-8:30am EST
- M/W/F 9-10am EST
- T/Th 8:45-10am EST
- Saturday: 8:30-10am Practice and community check in
- Sunday: Self guided practice integrating what you’ve learned thus far.
*7:30am and Saturday classes only open to 40 day practitioners. late morning classes open to whole yoga club.
How it works:
- Abhyasa Practice each day Monday – Saturday at one of the time slots provided. Sunday is self guided.
- Svadhyaya Read and reflect daily on the topics reviewed by email (I recommend keeping a journal throughout with practice notes and observations from your self study)
- Community Check in once a week to discuss learnings, ask questions and say hi to your fellow practitioners!
What is vinyasa krama? In the words of my teacher Srivatsa Ramaswami “Vinyasa Krama yoga is an ancient practice of physical and spiritual development. It is a systematic method to study, practice, [] and adapt yoga. This vinyasa krama (movement and sequence methodology) approach to yogasana practice is unique in all of yoga. By integrating the functions of mind, body, and breath in the same time frame, a practitioner will experience the real joy of yoga practice […Through many elaborate and adaptable sequences of…] variations and movements […] The mind closely follows the slow, smooth, deliberate ujjayi yogic breathing; and the yoking of mind and body takes place with the breath acting as a harness” ~ Srivatsa Ramaswami, Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga.
This method was taught directly to my teacher over 33 years of continuous study by the master himself, Tirumulai Krishnamacharya (father of modern yoga), for the benefit of all. It is both a scientific, artistically expressive and deeply intimate system to seemlessly prepare us for the aim of yoga: absolute peace.
Why morning practice? The morning is the Brahma hour…the hour that our minds have less mental baggage and more free space. Also when we begin our day with practice the effects transfer to how we live our life- and this my friends is so important!
I’ve been out of practice for a minute…can I still participate? Of course! Please indicate any concerns or health considerations to me before we begin. Options will be offered for all who attend live.
Why 40 days? Simple! 40 days is the amount of time it takes most of us to shift into a new pattern! On day 41 the intention is that you will be empowered to keep going with ease!
Investment: Sliding scale $150-$250 USD (if you are out of work or need special accommodations please contact me)
Details to register:
Email jennifer@campbellyoga.com with your intention to join and indicate which payment channel you have used.
Use Venmo or Paypal to register. Indicate your preferred email for daily reflection emails and recordings.
For questions regarding this offering please email me. I am happy to help!
Additional considerations:
*Classes will be recorded and offered for 12 hours after each session for those who can’t attend live…but I highly recommend showing up live if possible!
*class room opens 5 minutes before class begins. Please be prompt!
*if you require the recording instead of live class you must let me know no later than 30 minutes before that class begins in real time. You will receive an email with the recording by 11am EST each respective day.
*please indicate any health conditions before hand via email or discussion. As this is a group class you must be comfortable taking appropriate options as provided. Say it with me…”advanced postures don’t equal advanced practice!”