Revealing Wisdom

On earth there is no purifier
As great as this knowledge,
When a man is made perfect in yoga,
He knows its truth within his heart. [4.38]
~translation Swami Prabhavananda
Among the esteemed routes of yoga in the Bhagavad Gita is Jñana yoga. The word comes from the root “jna” meaning “to know” and also “to investigate”. Because of this root it is common to hear jñana yoga described as a path for academics/scholars; an intellectual pursuit. Yet this is a limited understanding of the word and therefore the path. Jñana yoga is the pursuit of wisdom and wisdom is not isolated to those of us with the highest IQ. If we follow the reasoning of yoga, wisdom is not, in essence, an external pursuit. Wisdom is within us. It is our “vision” that is clouded by the interplay of the gunas limiting our perception of the truth.
But what is wisdom? Merriam webster defines the word as…
- knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life
- the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand
- a wise attitude, belief or course of action
The yoga sutras and the Bhagavad Gita provide a helpful framework for this topic known as Jñana yoga.
As we have already seen the yoga sutras lay out pramana (right perception) in three categories which are mirrored in definition #1 above…
- agamah: hearing or reading from a trusted source
- anumana: inference of truth from continuously contemplating the agamah
- and Pratyaksa is the direct experience and eventual inherent ability to discern the truth for oneself
In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna posesses the ability to guide this course as he understands that which most other people cannot yet. Defined as the “birthless, deathless, Lord of all that breathes” (Swami Prabhavananda) he is unbound by prakriti and therefore unbound by the covering of the gunas and resulting avidya. Krishna is the epitomy of the truest Guru, one who is unattached, not interested in the fruits of actions, and completely at peace. His aim is purely benevolent – to bring balance back to the universe by guiding Arjuna (humanity) towards right action to settle the scales. In this balance (of good and evil, of the three gunas, of dharma and renunciation etc) the aspirant can find moksha.
Action alone is not enough. Therefore jñana yoga helps us to discern right action based on inquiry of the relationship between the true self (purusha) and the embodied form (prakriti). Through yoga sadhana and continued inquiry we commit to understanding who we are. This is not for the sake of accumulating information as may be the path of the academic scholar, but rather for discerning what we can hold as truth and what can be let go….where we belong and where we have attached a sense of belonging to what is ultimately fleeting.
So how do we discern wisdom of the true self when it feels beyond the grasping of the mind? It is helpful to first look to what we can discern to be not true. This is the task of neti, neti : not this, not this. Through discriminative knowledge we can assess all aspects of prakriti from the standard of change vs. continuity. Having faith that consciousness is eternal, we use the intellect (buddhi) to assess all aspects of this body/mind complex. If it is changeable then inference says it can not be eternally true.
How are we supported in this journey? The impressions of our mind towards avidya and asmita are deep. Therefore it’s helpful to have a support of truth seekers around us. This is the sangha. We can study the great words of the rishis alone and together. Additionally commit to those activities which keep the mind unweighted, light and steady. Here Jñana yoga is a good partner to ashtanga yoga, to kriya yoga and to maintaining the proper bhavas (attitudes) (see sutra 1.33). This is important as it is hard to maintain faith and enthusiasm if the mind is dull or anxious. Therefore keep up sadhana and satsang.
The canon is vast. The point of jñana yoga is not to memorize every word of every upanishad, every veda, every shloka but rather to go deeper into each principle. Even by investigation of a single sutra, shloka, karika or even a single word (as we did with the word yoga earlier on) we can begin to reveal a well of wisdom within, with the wisdom of the ages as our guide. Krishnamacharya himself was a brilliant scholar. Studying all of the 4 vedas in detail (most only focus on one), traveling the subcontinent to study the subject of yoga and find texts nearly lost. And still his teachings referenced back to a few texts only by which to evaluate knowledge. This is jñana, a enthusiastic exploration of knowledge, often leading the seeker to reveal the simple truth in all. Pure consciousness, the self dwelling in all, is the highest knowledge. Unbound by the gunas, unaffected by the citta vrttis and the kleshas. Through continuous contemplation on the nature of the atman/purusha Krishna says the mind is prepared and slowly purified. Know thyself, See thyself in all. Then can we stand in total awe. Therefore take up the path of knowledge says Krishna, become a yogi.
I belong to …..?
I belong to this Universe
I am part of this Universe
In one part, Earth, the World
I love my world
I am a citizen of the world.
During nervous insomnious nights
I gaze at the skies for UFOs
That may bring in aliens from
Other parts of my Universe
I want my world be free of aliens
I belong to this world
I am part of the world
In a part that is my country
I love my country
I do not let aliens
From other parts of the world
To settle in my country
Except when they are
Useful to my country
I belong to my country
I am part of my country
In a part called my Home.
I love my home.
I do not let strangers
Into my home
Nor let neighbors throw
Garbage into my home space
I belong to my home
I am part of my home.
An individual part of my family
I love my family
My spouse, my children
But I keep my space
I belong to my family
I am part of my family
An individual part
Separate and distinct
Sometimes I find it
Difficult to be part of the family
I look at so many people
Leave their family
Letting the spouse and kids
fend for themselves
I am alone by myself
Occupying about 3 cft of space
And about 140 lbs of matter
Out of this huge universe
I love myself
I take care of myself
Like everyone else
But still when some get sick
And depressed and feel pain
Even think of taking their lives
To spare themselves of the pain
So much one loves oneself
As I love myself
So, I should know
Who I am with whom I am,
In so much of Love
Then I read Yoga Sutras
Then pancha kosa vidya
Of Taittiriya Upanishads
Oh yes
I am not the physical Body
I can see and experience that
Because, I cannot experience myself
I am not the physiological body
I am not the body of senses
Nor the subsystem of intellect
Nor the dominating ego
Because I am aware of all of them
I am not any part of whatsoever
I had considered to be myself
I am the one that is aware of all these
I know now that I am not
Any part of what I had
Thought to be myself
I am pure unwavering consciousness
The subject that
Experiences all
That is not I
I am free
Always free
Alak niranjan,
Like every conscious being
I am no part of this universe
I do not belong to this Universe
~Srivatsa Ramaswami
Om Tat Sat
See you tomorrow,